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Capital Lighting - 35 Years

Highline Athletic Club Lighting
Upgrades and Replacements
Burien, WA

Lighting can help people feel energized, focused, and inspired - perfect for an athletic club. Before their lighting upgrades, Highline Athletic Club in Burien described their lighting as bit harsh on the eyes and dim. Now, the club lighting is inviting, bright, and energy-efficient - inside and out. Throughout their parking lot, walkways, and all around their building, bright, full-coverage lighting creates a welcoming and safe environment all year round - especially for their early-birds and night owls.

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Behind the Scenes

Reaching the lights in the high ceilings of the gym and lobby posed a challenge. This Burien building doesn't have an entrance to accommodate a lift. Creative thinking by our team and the Highline team enabled us to get a lift into both the lobby and the gym.

See more projects or contact us to talk with a lighting specialist to discover how your organization can improve your lighting and cut your lighting costs.

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