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Capital Lighting - 35 Years

Admiral Plaza Condominium Parking Garage Lighting Replacements
Seattle, WA

A dimly-lit parking garage is uninviting, difficult to navigate, and a safety risk for people and vehicles. Transforming this parking garage to bright and well-lit in every corner took just a few hours. Now, this Seattle parking garage is safer, easier to drive in, and feels welcoming all day and all night.

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Exterior parking garage: replace 24 existing 100 watt high pressure sodium canopy fixtures with 33 watt LED canopy fixtures.


Behind the Scenes

The corners in this parking garage are too narrow for a typical lift truck to navigate. To ensure a smooth lighting install and manage costs, we used a special lift truck that could easily maneuver throughout the garage. It ensured the job was completed promptly and with the least disruption to those using the parking garage.

See more projects, request a quote or contact us to talk with a lighting specialist to discover how your organization can improve your lighting and cut your lighting costs.

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